7 more sleeps!!! This time next week, I will *Lord willing* be able to say that I am officially a FULL MARATHONER! (is marathoner a word? Well, it is now.)
So far I am feeling physically good (my mental state is all over the map though). Joints feel fine. Feet feel fine. Cheeky foot bones are stepping off the cheekiness....all is well!
Yesterday was my last 'long run' on the charts...tomorrow begins my LAST WEEK of this training plan!!
Wow. I cant believe I've done all that!!
It was 44* at 6:30 a.m. yesterday so I decided to be brave and go with shorts (though my sissy legs were crying at me the first mile. After that they decided that my shorts decision was a good one).
The Lake was quite foggy when I first got there but it cleared off after 15 minutes or so.
Fishermen fishin'.
Grazers grazin'... (yep, 6 deer!!!)
We went out to the Lake later in the day yesterday as a family and my 2nd daughter got this picture. She's got a rockin' camera.
At mile 5 it warmed up enough for me to take my LS off. Still had on my ear warmers though. Nerd. At least I'm a nerd with warm ears!
I was pretty pleased with the time! This pace felt comfortably hard. Isn't that a weird pairing of adjectives?
Happy to be done and ready to get back in my car and go home for some pizza! (That's my mini-van in between those trees behind me. I thought it was quite awesome of me to have gotten it in my end-of-the-run picture without meaning to. Not everyone is this talented, don't be so hard on yourself.)
This was lunch a few times last week. I am really liking 'Sara Lees' 45 calorie bread! I got some ham, provolone, tomato and lettuce in there with green pepper and cucumber on the side. I usually do NOT like raw bell peppers but I've been on a kick with them lately. Taper madness is doing strange things to me, people.
So my plan this week is:
MONDAY: 3-4mi run and push ups
TUESDAY: elliptical, weights, planks
WEDNESDAY: 4 mi run and push ups
THURSDAY: light elliptical, light weights and planks
FRIDAY: light elliptical or walking on the treadmill and maybe a few push ups
I also plan to try to eat well and go to bed early each night.
So nervous, yet SOOO excited =)
The weather here has been great the last few days. It was 82* today! However the forecast calls for 44* on Thursday and rain!! I just hope the 'possible' rain that is forecasted for next Sunday moves off or holds off from 7am-noon on that day =)